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This game was amazing! I really love the characters and the plot. It was simple but very interesting. You also went out of your way to provide voice acting for the endings and the intro which was really cool! The combat although simple was enhanced as the game progressed which was a really nice touch and the final boss fight was also quite fun! The true ending seems like its pointing to a sequel of some kind and would actually like to see it! Loved this game and hope you continue making more games like this :D!


What a nice comment - thank you a lot!! (^^)/ I'm glad you liked the charas and plot (though I think that the charas are a bit more interesting than the plot xD) 

I'm also really lucky that I had someone voice the lines for me... I would have liked to voice all lines, but that's waaay too much text TvT

I'm also glad you liked the fights^^ The way you fought the boss battle was v interesting - saving up a lot of OM and then attacking with all the magic attacks! I think your LP is the fastest, too x'D

Yeps, a sequel is in the works, but that could take a while :')