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ok so, i got a gold skull out of a room with a jewel that causes magnetic attract, i've died some seconds later and then selled the skull to the shop machine, i got rich, i bought a hint machine then died because i forgot i had magnetic attract and a time bomb got attracted to me and i exploded, after that, i went into the room that had that skull again, and the skull was there! but it caused a different effect (i think it was fear and then something about curse look) but this time when i had it i made it to the elevator and i selled it to the shop machine while the curse of the skull was still going, i bought a package bank and then i put it next to the elevator and i died some seconds later, then i went into the room again and i got the skull but that time i died before selling it, when i respawned, the bank dissapeared,  and when i got my items back from the last corpse, i noticed that the other corpse, got items again, for some reason the second and third corpses that i left when i died from the skull, had their items again, the third one makes sense since it was the last one, but for some reason the second one got his items again, even tho i remember i took them out of it, so now i have all of my items duplicated by 2


man I don't even know what's going on here anymore
