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If you look on the internet hard enough you can find them. Best not to point or write them down here lest you get your post removed or worse, cause the comment section to shut down. I am pretty sure that every time youre forced to play around with the vault there IS a password that works, even on the first try where there literally is no clues. Let's just say that first password makes the game a little more spicey, so good luck with trying to find it!!! As for the other passwords hopefully rely on your memory. There are clues as the passwords are actually specifically mentioned in the text (except the first 2 and the 1 in the art); You just have to read every word and see if something rings a bell.

I like Tyson too. Out of the whole group, romancing him seems to be the most obvious choice given the history they had.


The first password? It just... force closes the game. Plus another un-hinted one on Day 3 I use for testing. Beyond that they're all story-related.

But you're right. I typically don't like the passwords themselves shared in general, let alone here mostly for those wanting to avoid spoilers.

(1 edit)

Really? Curious... 

This is understandable of course, although by that logic no spoiler should be allowed here at all, in theory. 

Now there's another question I have: What happened to the new character sprites? I doubt you know, but I used to be patron – not anymore since Password became rather famous – and therefore saw them in posts aside from here I guess. Personally, I was really happy seeing some well deserved character related upgrades. 


Very very slowly being worked on is the answer. I'm setting some time aside after I move house around Christmas to try and get some more stuff done.


I see, good luck with that then. It takes priority for obvious reasons, well, life in general does.

I don't think I put it as eloquently as I could have. What I meant is, I prefer supporting less fortunate FVN creators whose works also deserve success. 

Your project came a long way, and I hope we can all see the end of an era in the future. Until then, best of the needed requirements! Don't feel bad taking a break when your motivation dwindles. Sorting ones thoughts out from time to time might do wonders.

Thanks a lot, my guy, that will be helpful! I was specifically asking for Tyson's passwords, because his is the only route I'm playing. Perhaps I'll be lucky and remember some while reading.