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I had a good time playing this with my partner - the graphics, environment exploration and style design are really cute and charming, and every character is so fun and memorable. however, I think this game warrants a content warning - we were both very caught off guard by scenes involving  young teens experiencing directed verbal sexual assault, along with discussions of underaged sexuality and potential implications towards past sexual abuse.

I really appreciate that it took the time to explore such matters in a thoughtful and layered way, but nothing about the game's info page, the sexual innuendo label on Steam, or any other notes I could find online gave me enough of a warning about what it would entail to keep me from feeling rattled, uncomfortable and distressed throughout playing, especially since I had no idea how far it would continue to go into these subjects as I continued.

I think something like this is incredibly important, not just for players such as myself who find encountering these subjects unprepared extremely difficult, but also since this is a game explicitly about adults navigating the difficult place of giving guidance to vulnerable kids. I think it would have been helpful to draw more of a distinction between which parts of these discussions were coming from the characters themselves, and which were intended as commentary by the writers and developers, because it made me a little confused along the way.

any time messages like this are included in a game that young people can access, I think it should be handled with the utmost care, and while the advice from Clo to Mord was very powerful, important, meaningful and clearly from a very difficult and caring place in her life, I'm honestly not sure I feel it goes to the extent and detail needed to ensure the conclusion players will take away is one that will definitively better their relationship to intimacy, especially when underage.

I really hope what I'm saying is clear! I think this is a wonderful game overall, I just hope people can engage with it in a way that is safe for them. thank you so much for listening, it'd mean the world if you could take this to heart!!


Thank you for the detailed and thoughtful feedback- we have added a content warning to this and the steam pages. I appreciate you and your partner sticking with it though those rough patches, and for unpacking the dynamics of expectations/audience in your comment. We'll be thinking about this in the future! Thanks again :)