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I have a confession… I’ve been dreading this day since the moment I realized what I had done. I’ve been lying to you. About a lot of things. Not just normal things that you would not even notice, big things. Terrible big things. I’m a big fat fraud. I lied about my age, my religion, my beliefs and the biggest lie of all was my sexuality. The truth is I’m fully straight. All those people I said I had a crush on, I just find them attractive but that doesn’t mean I want to date them or be with them. I’m so sorry. So I guess here’s the truth about who I am. Why I lied… I’m not ready to admit. That’ll be at the end.

My name is Yasmin Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Zaghloul, I an 13 years old. I am an Egyptian, Muslim and I do not support LGBTQ+ but that does not mean I will treat you any different than I do everyone else. I know some people who are muslims as well who will look down on you but the truth is that for looking down on you and judging you they are getting marks taken off and getting farther from heaven. Though it is not my point to judge wether they go to heaven or hell that is all up to Allah. I respect that you have your own beliefs and shouldn’t ridicule you for having an opinion. That is simply wrong. I know you probably won’t forgive me and that’s understandable since I’ve lied for so long. From this point on my account will be completely inactive. I’m truly sorry. It was wrong of me to do something like this to you. Very very wrong.

The reason I lied was because I didn’t know what else to do. When everyone started talking about LGBT and saying their sexualities I didn’t want to get left out. I was only a child. Then the reason I kept on with the lie as I grew older was because I wasn’t sure where else to go. I was depressed and I felt alone but I also felt you guys wouldn’t accept me if I told you the truth. So I lied just to be friends with you. Lie after lie after lie, I fell down a hole I couldn’t get myself out of. I regret everything. If I could turn back the sands of time and fix what I had done I would’ve. I will never forgive myself for what I did. I just wanted some help. I was naive. I’m genuinely sorry. 

This is me. The REAL me.

it’s oki I forgive you


im a person of forgivness as god wants us all to be


Sugi doesn’t want you to leave

I can stay but I won’t be as active.

aww arighty

I respect your decision 

I’m looking back at mgm because I miss paws 🥺

And those wholsome memories 

yeah. The good old days were… good.

But then again I was lying to you back then so uhhh 50/50??

I’m trying to delete some pics of myself-

I got rid of the two I posted so I’m fine now :)

Deleted 2 years ago

Beautiful. Listen, I may not know your whole story, but. You are a great person, even if you've lied here and there. You're still a funny person, random and generally fun person to hang out with, I don't like you looking down at yourself.


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I actually appreciate your honesty in this situation. You seem very genuinely sorry. I understand you were a kid and I’m glad you came out about this. I can forgive you. I’m glad you will except me as trans, but I don’t think I’ll feel uncomfortable knowing that you think who I am is wrong. We can still be friends, as you were very kind and caring to me. I love you. /p

Thank you


(1 edit)


, respectfully you are so pretty


Queen, listen. I've known you since...November of last year? You have been my friend, and a really good friend. And listen, I forgive you. I know that when your online, you wanna act older..and yeah. That used to be me. So, I understand. I understand why you would hide who you are. I used to be ashamed about my culture, really. And I'll never forgive myself for that. So guess what Queen-I'll always be your friend! And your beautiful, just always know that. <3

Thank you

Yw queen!


I'm not a very religious person, and I can be pretty damn judgmental towards people who don't support the LGBTQ community. That being said-the fact that you befriended all of us, that you always accepted us and used our correct pronouns and names, and that you never called our sexualities or identities fake or called us confused, that you never EVER treated us any differently despite many in your religion not accepting us, means that in my book, you are very much a supporter and an ally, maybe even more so than most. I am so, so sorry that you felt like you had to lie about who you were to fit in with us. You are a wonderful human being and a great friend. And for the record-you are insanely pretty <3. 

Well I’m just being respectful. It’s very rude the way others talk to you guys. I wouldn’t like to be someone who is a hater for such a futile reason. Also thanks.