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I'm not a very religious person, and I can be pretty damn judgmental towards people who don't support the LGBTQ community. That being said-the fact that you befriended all of us, that you always accepted us and used our correct pronouns and names, and that you never called our sexualities or identities fake or called us confused, that you never EVER treated us any differently despite many in your religion not accepting us, means that in my book, you are very much a supporter and an ally, maybe even more so than most. I am so, so sorry that you felt like you had to lie about who you were to fit in with us. You are a wonderful human being and a great friend. And for the record-you are insanely pretty <3. 

Well I’m just being respectful. It’s very rude the way others talk to you guys. I wouldn’t like to be someone who is a hater for such a futile reason. Also thanks.