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Hi, Yukina4evr!
Happy late Halloween & I hope you had a great week! Holiday season is almost here~ >v<)/

Lol, I'm glad you enjoyed the Q&A session!
Because of this, I'm considering to buy an air humidifier/diffuser--I want to try making my room smell nice & I think it'll be interesting to experiment with various scent x'D

Psst, I also didn't know about musk until I watched a movie about a Perfumer serial killer (I forgot the title, but it's set in Medieval and prof. Snape played in it). I became interested and now I know perfumes have 3 notes O-O

As for how snow smells like... have you tried pushing your head into the upper refrigerator/cooling box that contains ice cubes and smell them? I... I tried and I think I can smell them rofl

That aside, your question is noted! You always came up with an interesting one x'D

Thanks again for visiting and for showing your love and support <3
See you around!


Hi, SweetChiel! ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒
A mix of a blessing & challenging week but all good thank you~ o(*>ω<*)o Likewise~ Right?! Psyche up for holidays~ ヾ(≧∇≦*)ゝ

I think I've used air humidifiers when I was super young since I have asthma & also for when I have colds/flu. Haha I can totally imagine you experimenting different scents x'D Sounds like a plan~ 
ヾ(・ω・。)シ If possible, love to hear updates if you ever do end up purchasing one (or an item that carries a scent). Lately, I bought myself a $5 fan from a local garden museum with a sandalwood scent. It not only freshens up my room but also relaxes me from high stress. 

:: ˓(ᑊᘩᑊ⁎) :: Tried to Google the movie name but all I came up with was "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer" & Prof. Snape (my best guess) is actor Alan Rickman. I also found that it has its own novel which may have been inspired by the "Tallow Man," Manuel Romasanta (Credit: Perfume (novel) - Wikipedia) Kindly disregard if I have wrong title, but I never knew of this & it totally was a unique finding lol ( ꒪Д꒪)ノAnd wow~ (✿☉。☉) I looked up perfumes + three notes & that's super cool~ I kind of like to go to a perfume workshop session to learn how to make my own perfume o(≧∇≦o) Thank you for the fun fact~ (/^▽^)/

Yes I have rofl~ Especially during summer lol~ ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰ It does feel/smell fresh & cool~

Thank you, I try x'D Σ(*ノ´>ω<。`)ノ

Thank you too for taking the time to reply to our comments~ 。(>ω<。) It brightens my day & I'm sure it does for others as well when we interact with creators like you (*^▽^*) Keep up the awesome work~ ( •⌄• ू )✧

See you in the next post~ ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚

Yukina4evr (❁´ω`❁)