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Really liking the game so far. I was wondering if I could ask for permision to translate the game to spanish. I wanted to follow the game and all of his updates, but the Discord link is not working, maybe because the link is temporary or you cancel the invitation.

Appreciate you trying out the game! We’d be honoured if you were to attempt a Spanish translation. 

Apologies about the Discord link, I’ll set another up soon. We’re beginning to clean up the way the Discord invite link is provide, hence the invalidity of some links.

- RegalBuster 


Apologies, should have reminded you but in case you haven't already, we've updated the page with a working Discord link.


Thank you for fixing it. Didn't answer until now, but I'm already in your Discord. Working on the translation whenever I can so more people can witness this amazing proyect!

Hey there, co-dev and writer for GROVE here! Just wanted to say you are free to DM me in the Discord should you need any assistance with the translation efforts. Glad to help if there's any part of the English you need definitions or context for.

Otherwise, thanks so much for being willing to assist with the translation efforts. It's sincerely appreciated!

Thank you very much! If I need to ask anything I'll DM you, but I don't want to bother you guys too much, you already have enough work to do writting and programming the game.