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Where exactly is the *entrance* to the mines? I can teleport there via WIP, and I can leave, but I don't see any way to actually walk in. Not even from the room you exit to when leaving the mines.


Right, so, when you leave your cell, take upstairs, take the door, take the other door, go through by the staircase, you should be in the control room. There should be a hatch on the bottom right, give it a bit of lube, practically any gooey substance will do (but it's intended for fungal slime which you can collect on most fungus pods), then open it. It leads down in a sort of preamble to the broken bridge. Make sure you brought a rope and either Anthony or Rohan to attach on the pillars. Cross by clicking the right part of the bridge, and there you are !  It's a bit long said like that, but really just focus on  :

  1. Get fungal slime, some rope, Rohan or Anthony and Yuvee
  2. Get to the control station by either waiting Joseph and Michel aren't there (they leave from milking day to the moon phase) or by being dressed (you can find your clothes in the cart in the courtyard before the milking day).
  3. Get the hatch lubed and open to proceed.
  4. Let Rohan/Anthony attach the rope for you or make a leap of faith.
  5. There you are !

Oh, ok, so I just didn't have anything to lube the hatch when I tried before.