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I can't say! It'd be a spoiler.


hehe I liked cleo quite a lot, in fact to be honest all of the ladies have very likeable personalities too which is kind of rare in a visual novel, another thing rare in these games is a main character who is not a manchild, by that a man with child like intelligence, they ruin every game they inhabit. Since we have to play the mc, its important to make sure he is just right, without being retarded, a douche bag or a manchild, you have your mc just right, which to be honest is very very important to me, or I wouldn't be able to play the game. That is why I like your game so much and also because of the other stuff in the game being perfectly balanced.  I def was not expecting earlier on what Patricia actually is after we go see her mom, wow I love what you did back then with her. Thank you for such a wonderful game, please keep it up, this is high quality stuff!