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(3 edits)

Ok so i found that only 1 effect is working with 3DObjects. If we will add more than 1 so they will don't working correctly. Anyway this is don't problem for me for now. Would be possible to change texture by events? For example if "x" object will hit "monster creature", so "monster creature" will change texture from that lava to blue water texture (or other). For now there is impossible to do that right? Because i dont see option for that. Maybe in future if You will can add that so it will be great feature too!

Hmmmm.... i was think about that, and it may be possible with animations, so this is really awesome!

(1 edit)

That's correct, with how C3 handles 3D and effects. Only a single Color type effect will work. Other effects like Distortion and Blend are unlikely to work.

There is a new effect compositor in the latest C3 beta (r270) which may allow for more effect possibilities though!