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Hey. I'm glad you liked the game. 

As for your question, simple answer is: "the economy is borked." Most of the monetary values for items were made on the spot and only the most broken ones got fixed. I will fix the economy as a whole when most of the features and items get set in stone. 

However, I see no reason to not do a little balancing inbetween updates, if players ask me about it. I will adjust alchemy prices today and pack them into the next update. Thanks for the feedback.

Ah, that makes sense. It's certainly not a high priority; I was just curious if it was intentional. I have a suggestion and a bug to report. I was going to send you an email, but since we're talking here anyway...

First, when Billy asks you to bring him 50 units of food for the "Papers please" quest, I was very confused, and it took me a while to figure out what he was asking for. I tried cooking 50 hard tack, and 50 meat, but he wouldn't take them. I think it would be more clear what his request is if you phrased it as something like "come talk to me when you have stored 50 units of food."

Second, if you enter the easternmost beach cave at night, then leave, the outdoors will be super dark. Entering and exiting another cave fixes it. I thought that this might be the case for every cave, but the kobold cave doesn't do this. I also thought that maybe it's just dark caves, but I checked the mine and it also didn't do it. So, it may be just that one cave.

(1 edit) (+1)

1.) Dialogue in game is in similiar state as the economy. It is there, it works, but needs a complete overhaul to be considered good. I plan on rewriting all the dialogue in the future for two reasons. One, all of the dialogue in the game right now was made on the spot and serves as a placeholder. And two, I want to improve the dialogue on the graphic side too. Changing expressions or poses. You can see a sample of this in the fist dialogue you have with Zacharias and Helena. As for the 50 food instance, I will rewrite it slightly for the next patch.

2.)You are right. There were some things missing at the exit from that cave. Fixed. Thanks for reporting bugs. If you find another one, you can write them anywhere you want. E-mail or comment bellow any post. I will find them no problem.