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Enjoying this! Unfortunately there's a couple of weird bugs:

- If I fail a level, I get a bunch of text screens and then get taken all the way back to the start. At that point, the level select will only take me to the last level I completed, rather than the level I just reached.

- Also, when I beat the blood level, I get taken to the level that introduces soap again and can't progress any further.

Thanks for playing!

 -The first point isn't really a bug, it was more a limitation of puzzlescript. I wanted the names of the puzzle names to remain hidden, but I couldn't do that without limiting the player to the previous level. Although now that I'm thinking about it, I might have a fix. And returning the player to the beginning was because I didn't know how to send the player to the level select screen.

- that is a bug! I'll look into fixing it and post whenever I do. Sorry about that

I have fixed the second bug(bad goto). I tried working around the issue with the level select, but I can't find a good work around. I could set the level select look ahead to 1 instead of 0 but then you could potentially spoil yourself with the titles. I honestly wish there was a better way to handle this, but I don't know of a way.

once again, thanks for playing!


The level select thing was much less of a problem this time — I think it only became an issue because I kept trying to go back to the bad goto level to see if I could progress.

Usually, I think post-death messages end up producing quite a lot of friction in puzzlescript, as I mostly just want to press Z or R and keep working at the puzzle. However, in your game, those messages are part of the fabric of the experience, and the puzzles aren't so fiendish that the interruption becomes frustrating.

Good job!