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For those who are curious on how to beat the test and get the true hero ending (the true ending?), here's how, though if you want to try it yourself go ahead!






You can't beat the test without the cheat button, the last two tests, the one where you need to click the button when it's seven is basically impossible, and if you do somehow do it (i'm pretty sure you can't) the final test is to find a specific pixel that's literal impossible to find.

So how to get the cheat button:

You need to find the narrator's computer password, he says it in one specific ending that I sadly can't remember the title of, hopefully another comment can tell me the name. But it was a bad ending. In that ending he will say his computer password which is 0420 haha

Next you need to do the mind reader ending, to do this just go ahead and do the first couple trials normally till you get to the trial where you need to click when the screen flashes green. You have to click under 0.10 seconds so I recommend use an autoclicker. Afterwards the guy will give you a math problem, the answer is 0. 

Finally he will say for you to guess his password, you'll need to do this quickly before the screen cuts to the ending screen. Type the password and hit submit. Boom you've hacked his computer, click the steal button, it should say you have stolen the cheat button, and then wait (and mess with his computer for fun lol) until the ending screen.

Now do the trials as best as you can until you get to the last trials, Curiosty Core also made a comment on how to complete these trials and some additional special endings, so look for their comment if you need help. I'll try helping the best that I can too if you need it.

On the last trials, you'll have the cheat button, use it. Finally you'll be given the final choices, the first one click that you don't leave, then click yes to accept the Oxcorp candidate program. You've now hopefully saved the guy, sacrificing yourself for him, a true hero indeed. (Pushing the restart button will no longer lead you back to the title screen)

I don't know what happens on the other final choices, as I got burnt out from all the options and didn't want to do the tests 2+ more times haha, if anyone wants to explain to me the final other endings that'd be cool.

This was a fun game and I definitely recommend playing it! I hope this post helps!





you can get the pssword in the mind reader ending, although i forgot it (and im not completely sure how to obtain the code, its just a theory i have). here is how you get that ending... 









You need to mash the button and get an insane time on the reaction speed test, then say no to that you cheated then he hits you with a hard math question, an the answer is 0 then he asks you to guess his pasword, and its somewere there, i think. (Im not sure tho)

I've tried it, and I couldn't  find the password in the mind reader ending. Doing your method is the path to imputing the password, but not revealing the password. Thanks for helping though ^^

what is wrong in the blue shirt one

click the white regular background, don't click the photo


The ending where you hear the passcode is called, "Bottom of the Barrel" Achieved by doing very poorly on the first part of the test. When the narrator goes to show you the end screen, he says his password as he's typing it.