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Great work on the visuals! Combined with the sound, this game gave me really dreadful vibes (in a good way) during the flesh house segment. Love the squishy sound effects whenever dialogue pops up too. The enemies were really creepy too. I loved how the screen blurred nearby a certain enemy.

The gameplay during the first part was pretty confusing though. I wasn't sure how to feed the pets at first so I kept pressing E at everything until something happened. I think that glitched the game too, because I couldn't feed the dog even though I interacted with the dog food. I restarted and it worked the second time though. Also, when I walked over a bandage item, it would flip my camera a bunch.

Glitches aside though, this was a really cool game! Hope to see more once the jam is over. Good job!

Thanks for the kind words! Yeah we are aware of those minor bugs , we will soon be posting a post jam version with all those fixed, after that we will release a full version of the game! So hope you can wait until then! :D