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Hey, you may check the Tips for Installation - PC/Mac section on the store page here for common issues on running the game.

This game is different from Nobody’s Home in that it requires to be able to write/execute on its own folder for the save system, so the game’s folder will need to be properly extracted and located in a directory with r/w/x permissions (like desktop or similar folders). 

If your machine also has specific configurations on its file system or how files are kept/saved, it may also have an effect on the game’s running.
Hope you can get it to run

Weirdly, it had already been in a folder with all permissions, but removing those permissions and then re-adding them fixed it! This is extra-weird because at one point I completely replaced my fresh install with one transferred via USB from a friend's computer. Both versions had the same issue, even though neither versions of the files had been denied rwx at any point. Hopefully this helps pinpoint whatever might have caused this issue to keep it from cropping up in future releases.