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(2 edits)

DevLog Update 01

Let's talk about those floating platforms!

I was trying to make this floating platforms work like most it should work. But I stumbled upon this:

Well, so what I should do? Remaking the tiles would be a huge work (or at least I think that). What I could do?

The answer: A cheap roundabout way envolving hitbox. Or the lack of it.

I don't really know if this is REALLY a cheap way to do the work, but for this it should be fine. So here is the ideia:

There is two box collider on the player; One is used as a normal hitbox, and the other is used to tell if there is a platform above the player. And the box collider used as trigger would look like this:

The script gets the box collider used as a hitbox, and inside tells what do do with it. (Also, the box collider trigger is a child of the player, thats why the name "Parent Collider")

Next up, I made another another Tilemap just to be used as a "clippable_ground". They would work as the normal ground tiles, but they would allow to be caught in the trigger.

Just to show, one tile is one the "normal" tilemap, and the other is one the "clippable" tilemap.

The second platform get caught in the script, and it just disable the hitbox collider, making the player clip through the ground!

After all I wrote, the result is Greeman, the protagonist, being able to jump correctly on those platforms!

Being said, I made this just to tell I only implemented the jump. Thats it LOL

What I'm doing next!

Some platforms don't work nice still, but I'm not sure if I will fix it. Not yet, at least

More rooms, and I would need to make more sprites for them.

I will try to make more stuff today, so let's see!