I can absolutely understand that, but please hear me, it's not just a petty complaint (as you can see by my the dislikes on my opinion haha), but rather something that is a bit of a criticism to the art as well. The biggest issue with the "old" sprites was that there was a bit of inconsistency with the heights like Shun being small, but he's absolutely tiny in comparison to Tatsuki, and some people felt that there were *too* many liberties taken with the characters IE, some feel that Torahiko was too skinny-- which is a mileage may vary sort of thing, but that's a refinement that can happen over time. The sprites needed to be refined as it was clear that the artist was getting the feel for the style that they wanted.
Now, the height inconsistency is going to be even more apparent because of how big they are in this version versus the original: take a look at this: Tora is a little more than half of the screen here, and almost a head shorter than Tatsuki. Now let's compare them here
Torahiko is taller now (which he needed to be as the original Torahiko was way too small in comparison), but now there's really no room left to make Tatsuki a head taller than Torahiko , much less any adults that'd be taller than Tatsuki, like his father. Tora is still less compact in build than he originally was, but he now loses the swimmer's build he had, so he feels like some sort of strange compromise between the two. People like Konosuke just straight up lost weight:
"chubby" doesn't even come to mind anymore-- versus the original ones seemed to remember that. It's not really so much that I "hate" the new ones, but prefer the old ones, because the inconsistencies feel even more distracting at this point since now they're trying to mimic the old Gamma style, but still don't *quite* look like it while still keeping the issues that some of the original ones had, and somehow bringing in new ones with the shift.
Bear in mind, this was never meant to be some sort of knock towards a shift, but rather a "I prefer the older ones because they seem less problematic." I hope that helps with what I was saying earlier.