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I can keep posting these as I run into them or I can dump a handful at once.  whichever is less annoying.

I went to both the clinic and the church with a downed party member, but neither seemed to be able to do anything about it. The way it was phrased, I thought the church might be about curing the stat-downs from being KOd, but I didn't even get that much out of them. I could be misunderstanding the point of both buildings.

I entered combat with Ramona down (specifically, I confronted the prankster rat guy after giving him 5 stingers) and combat opened with the "Ramona is down... -1 something or other" message. Is that supposed to compound like that? (the combat did not go well)

Oh, yeah, I didn’t communicate the purpose of the church well enough. When a character is downed enough times, you can visit the church for a ritual that gives you the chance to increase stats and improve their skills. As for the clinic, it currently doesn’t have a purpose besides being a place to visit a character after a point. Originally, the church’s role would have belonged to the clinic but I wanted to expand on the apartment area. With that in mind, I want the clinic to have a purpose, and I should make the church’s more clear.

Also, yeah, that is an oversight I’m aware of. I have an alternate way of setting up the death system in mind where it only triggers upon death, but it would mean that it’d be possible to lose stats multiple times in one battle due to being downed immediately on revive. I’m honestly not sure if I should keep the current system (which would punish players that doesn’t keep lemonade on hand) or switch to that (where players could potentially lose multiple stats in one battle).