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(12 edits) (+2)(-2)

11/10 - IGN  "would bang again"

My Pros?
- Enjoyed the succubus, the aloof personality plays really well with a succubus, I like it. plus! Also finally a fellow man of culture, who understands horns make great handle bars!
- Supernatural elements, like the above pro, supernatural events and races make these games more interesting to me.
- Klaus is dope, never change pls.   But seriously, how does the kitsune remain so patient ?  Sometimes he does get too retarded, but I can mind it in the spirit of comedy.  Klaus also nailed the straight man tangent, beautiful 
- Dark humor, great you dont care about offending those snowflakes. aka, that pornstar vid for example was top notch. But I tell ya when I heard that gunshot, I was like "oh noes, what have I done"  But it all turned out fine in the end.
- Milk with Tea gang
- Parodies of at least 2 games I recognized. 
-Harem. With great power, comes great bitches. 

My Cons?
- Succubus, I wish there was more to do with her early on, and I dont understand why you dont let us into the bathroom too since we are bounded anyway. Is she really going to Kyaaaa, cause we saw her bathing nude ?. I suggest more light hearted scenes, such as flirting and teasing and a repeatable BJ or HJ until her story opens up into the real scenes (the first fuck). Or her doing random funny shit /shrugs.   So I kinda wish she played a more active role and really do want to see her "succubus" powers being used or on display. even if  just for shits and giggles (pranking the local populace) 
- MapA feels like restrictive atm. Not alot of places to visit, not alot of things to do in most places. 
- MapB, Kinda similar in terms to the one above, but I find myself having to use pass time a hell of a lot. Nothing to do otherwise,  Needs some little events and things the MC can be doing to pass time.  I assume more minigames and being about to hunt rats (plus more ?) in the future will be implemented ?
- Cant touch the fluffy tail or ears. Im salty
- All I can think of for now, as the main cons. 

Extra Notes?
-The cat watching her mistress getting railed was noice.  Makes me wish it maybe was a nekomatta or something in cat form.  So catgirl ? Probably not, but I will hope. It clearly did enjoy what it saw right ^_~
- Klaus being caught fucking a skull had me in tears. 
- Why does the school, or say the nerd have the sex/perv spells and the succubus doesnt, im going to hope its cause the succubus powers are massively more potent ? As a demon of desire.  Guess maybe cause we yet to see the succubus in full action. Hopefully it makes Henry's spells childs play.
-Snake Lady,, hehe, that was a great one.
- Felt a little wierd, when the blue hair tree hugger turned Klaus into stone and we did nothing as a "guard". I was hoping the MC would demand her to turn him back and he would let her walk away(what she did was seriously a serious crime, attack on law enforcement)
- I think more rape play with succubus could be fun. Dont really know if any other character would be into it.  Im also curious about succubus pee, but not sure if its going to be a thing.  Its in the dirty list of kinks  <.<

Anyway, its already a novel at this point, so will end it here.  Was a fun game. Lots of potential.


Thank you for the feedback. I'm well aware of the cons and slowly work to improve them.

Minor events, minigames etc. were planned to take a bigger part in killing time inbetween events but it's all WIP.

/ wants MC to uphold the law.
/ also wants MC to rape the girl.
not sure if you've heard of consistency 

(2 edits)

What do you mean, the Succubus is free game.  He rapes her, she rapes him back. The games begin! And if theres any other character into the play, then thats fine.    MC isnt going to just start raping random  girls,. thats not what I asking.  Is that the conclusion you came too ?

"I think more rape play with succubus could be fun."
Completely expectedly, that is the conclusion i came to.