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Thanks for that tutorial. By the way, I had to switch my OS to Linux out of necessity and I was wondering, which Blender guide did you use to get started? Thanks. (I was a 3ds max user previously)

The boat looks good and hey, you got it working in all 4 directions! I gotta be happy someone else is going the isometric route too.

I just saw your thread and thought the same thing about the isometric style haha.

Oh I'm sorry I can't help you much with blender I used it a long time ago. And I kind of tried to remember basic stuff by memory. The guide was on a french website so I don't know if it will help.

But Blender Guru has some good blender tutorials (all videos I don't know if you prefer text ^^'):

I do prefer text, I'm too old xD

Thank you for the link anyway