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This was fun! I really appreciated having a set of consistent and predictable, but not precise controls to try and manipulate unpredictable elements in a physics sim.

The puzzles felt like they were ramping up nicely along a difficulty curve that eases players into thoughtfully using the different buttons.

I found myself wishing that the idea that the green boxes contain babies was visually communicated - maybe a logo of a bottle, a nappy, or a dummy on the side could help reinforce that and tie the game itself back to the the name and framing.

Hope you had a positive experience using Godot, and thanks for doing a Linux build :D


Aye, Thank you for feedback! 

Green boxes is a compromise, because I couldn't find free baby asset and I didn't feel like editing existing boxes. I had other things to do before the deadline, you know :)


Totally understand - I think game jams are most valuable when they can be used to build prioritisation and triaging skills :)