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Yesterday was actually a good day, despite it looking like i didnt do much!

I added more functionality to the pause menu, like I wanted. But I think ill do the development tree today. A made a bigger map to play on now though! It may not be the finished one, but its good for now:

To add to the story, I drew this crashed boat, to give you a bigger sense of story (Im not a great artist, so this was really hard for me!):

Heres my log from yesterday:

Day 8:
Added options for the pause menu
Fixed bug with crafting
Fixed more crafting things
Added volume GUI
Added the ability to change volume
Made a big map to play in
Added more grass tile variations
Added boat sprite

But yea! Hopefully today Ill add heaps of craftable recipes, and maybe start on engines and pipes!

Let me know what you think :)

Your concept is awesome! I love the turtle, the shipwreck and the island! Well done!