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Something about this really took me back to the Dreamcast. It's shamelessly wacky, impressively varied and a lot of fun.

One issue that stood out: I kind of expected the mech form would be able to turn while not moving... wasn't sure if there was any difference in how the two forms behaved, but a "versatile vs fast" dynamic was my first expectation.

The voice-acting, music and depth of content were outstanding for a jam. Also, props to all the effort in order to build an entire city traffic system within the timeframe!


Thanks a lot!! And yeah unfortunately we didn't get to fully implement the mech in the way we wanted to, as we had considered using a different control style once in mech mode. It was another case of "ran out of time" syndrome lol! We definitely over scoped (as usual with a game jam). Glad you enjoyed the overall feeling though!