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It is a good idea to add some more maps of the kind that runs well even on old/low end hardware. There is one thing that makes it a bit difficult - as you may know FPV Freerider is also available for Android, and there is a file size limit on the Google Play Store. At the moment the file size is at the very limit, it would be hard to squeeze in more maps without some extensive changes. But I will think about it.

Hi, thanks for the reply.

Not sure if this would help for your requirements, but I was looking into google play apk file size limits and apparently there is support for expansion files to work around this .

Just food for thought,  I'd be happy to pay something again to get extra maps.


Yes, I am aware of the possibility of expansion files. I would rather not have to use it currently since it is a bit more work and more things that can go wrong on both ends. However I might go the route of expansion files later on though (unless the Google Play  Store decides to raise the limit).

Thanks again for the feedback and suggestions.