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(3 edits)

   I don't want to bother you with too many questions involving grove. All I wish to know is, do you plan to add any more kinks/fetishes later on as this game is further developed and updated? Like say for instance vore. Not the kind that involves any kind of death/digestion, or anything like that. But focuses on the lighter subject of the character being held in another individual's stomach, with no kind of harm done to them. Perhaps following the terms of endosoma, safekeeping, non-fatal, and full tour. Maybe even the possibility of Mpreg might be done in the way that everybody knows is a natural opposite to our reality as opposed to the RPGs reality if that can be allowed to be done in it at all of course. 

   Then again, maybe, the method mentioned before could be used in a completely unnatural way which could be done with a unique kind of combination between Mpreg and Vore following along with the fantasy kink/fetish described here that's just like this If that is actually something which would be of interest to the creators, designers and the players of the RPG. Who have a taken a liking of the gameplay, design, and story of this RPG. In order to be able to see certain types of vore happening with the main character during his journey. Perhaps to hide, seek shelter, etc. while at the same time the MC could do the same with the other NPCs the MC interacts with. Although certain kinds of exceptions to that might be the enemies/foes/monsters/races he encounters along the way. That gives him all kinds of different options to choose from at that point. The decisions could all be based on either to choose to hold them prisoner in order to get a bounty, digest them, keep as a hostage within himself, tame monsters by becoming their predator instead of the other way around, gain companions from other races by doing a unique favor for them etc. On the other hand if the hostiles he meets under certain circumstances had managed to beat the MC with whatever kind of counter actions/measures they took before/afterhand to do so to ensure that he'd lose then no matter how it went between them depending on whether the MC made a pleasant impression on them or not the choices they give him afterwards might lead to a good partnership deal which leaves/keeps both sides satisfied or a blackmailing threat to his life which they will hang on his head as they travel along to keep an eye on him. 

   In any case if my rambling hasn't gotten on your nerves just yet...... One thing I want to say, out of everything else, is that I've appreciated all the work you all have done on this. I'm really curious about what comes next especially if it includes new fantasies.  

   If I'm coming across as demanding or controlling in any shape or form involving how you are developing this game that is not my intention. I apologize if I have come across that way at all. Let me know. I'm looking forward to playing the updates as they come out. I hope you can continue this without any kind of interruption or obstacles in your way. 

   May you stay safe, well, and enjoy the rest of your days! 


Honestly friend, I think that your gameplay ideas could make for an entire game unto itself. That's a fair amount of mechanics and a lot to layer on top of an RPG like we have so far. Keep note of your thoughts. I'm sure somebody out there could make a good Vore game like this, maybe even yourself... but that's not really aligned with our current goals for GROVE.

That being said, the kinks themselves might end up in the game in some way. We'll just be implementing them into the existing mechanics with combat and grapples instead.

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I don't want to seem like I'm being a little too nosey and/or pushy by asking this, but would it be possible for other certain types of vore along with the ones I mentioned before to be added to your RPG sometime later down the road like say for instance the kinds that are all described on this site here

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One other question I hope to be able to ask you if it won't cause any kind of issue towards you or your other partners working on this RPG is how exactly would vore be implemented into the existing mechanics of the combat and grapples involved between the MC and the enemies he faces anyway I mean it would make sense for both sides to be able to do that kink/fetish to each other in some shape or form right?


Well, I can't completely confirm if those kinds of kinks would appear in the game or not. Apologies if my previous comment gave you the false impression, but I more so meant to say that those kinds of kinks aren't off the table, not that they'd be included for sure. As for how we would implement them if so... well, don't get your hopes up for 'vore mechanics'. It would probably just be vore scenes, as part of the enemy grapple sequence.

Wish I could somehow recommend some kind of vore game to you instead, since it seems you're really pining for one. Unfortunately, they're not really something I'm knowledgeable on. I apologise, but I wouldn't get your hopes too high for GROVE being a 'vore game'. At most, it'll be an RPG with a rare vore scene, rather than one that has mechanics around it or makes it a focus.


Well I was just wondering whether it would be possible for the kinks/fetishes to be added on later and/or bit by bit as the RPG is developed/updated by your team. I wasn't saying that it had to be a 100% 'vore game' by any stretch of the imagination. I would be fine with however it turned out especially if the mechanics/enemy grapple sequence was unique/varied similarly like this RPG and 1,2 or more VNs, I know which are called,, etc., I would have also found it equally interesting if between the MC and all the other individuals he meets during his journey in the game which includes whether that might be mainly specific to any of the kind of friend(s)/foes/monster(s)/beast(s)/race(s) that are available so far in RPG. Which in that instance might be kind of like interacting with friendly NPC's in a community plus possibly a caravan on the road or enemy encounters that are deadly, but you are able to reason with them either by making a good impression or choosing carefully with how to specifically deal with them depending on whether they are sentient or feral, but I suppose that doesn't really have to be important in any case especially if certain categories and types of vore can happen between either towards both the MC/allies/hostiles he meets or just to one of them during a deal/partnership/quest that's arranged with all the parties involved in that kind of situation/instance. That's all just my two cents on this anyway, so you all probably have much better ideas on the way for this project that you're already working on, right?

Once again, I thank you for all the work you've put into this, so much so that I can't wait to see how it all turns out in the end. I hope you nor your partners involved in this project well face too many setbacks, obstacles, interference with your project in any kind of shape or form. May you all stay safe, well, and enjoy the days ahead of all of you.