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This was stunning.

I am floored that something of this high quality managed to be created within the span of two weeks. Everything was beautiful. The music was great, the sprite work was incredible, & the game play was super solid!

I am a fan of the bullet hell genre, so I like to think I know my stuff. This did not feel like a jam game. This felt like an early access demo for a game that is deep in development. I really hope this goes somewhere because it very easily could.

One thing that was a tad tricky to get used to was the act of aiming and moving separately. Most bullet hell games keep these the same so that the player isn't overwhelmed with having to multitask on two very different & challenging fronts. Boss 3 certainly made this clear. This isn't a bad thing of course, you did a good job of not having the bosses be mobile/hard to hit, allowing the player mental time to cycle between dodging and shooting, just something to note if this goes further.

This team is going places, mark my words. Good work.