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I can't play this (mainly because I don't have a payment method to play it) but I'll leave a good rating because I'm pretty sure its good like the rest of your games :)


Thanks BeamDev! Pop me your email or a means of contacting you and I'll pass you a steam key :)


Hi BeamDev,

Chezzle is now free on so you can give it a whirl too!

cool , I'll check it out fam , also when are you gonna work on a new horror game? :)


I'm currently working on a game on Nintendo Switch, but will work on a horror game next. I have a great idea for something really scary!


Cool excited to see what you make , also good luck on the project you're working on!!!! :D


Thank you! I'll keep you posted <3

thank you , also sorry for spamming you with messages!