I was initially very, very confused, and keyboard controls in the browser were causing combination-input issues. However, after downloading the executable, I eventually got things more or less figured out.
The swapping bodies thing was neat, but the mechs in general were averse to getting themselves in potentially unworkable situations. For example, I couldn't get any mech to fall off a platform onto a bridge unless the bridge was just right. There were several situations where I got sick of trying to line things up and just piloted the helicopter to the next green circle.
The presence of the helicopter, with its ability to basically skip any map, felt like a missed opportunity to force the player engage more with the mechs. That being said, there were some mechs I'm not sure if I figured out, such as the ones that are tied to the ground, and the boats in particular controlled in such a way that I was never sure if I actually had full control. Additionally, I wouldn't have enjoyed being forced to interact with the boats on that large map.
I guess I'm saying I see the potential for more of a puzzle game inside of what is now a big, mostly empty sandbox. For a jam project it's great!