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I tried the tutorial and got a crash, and I tried to quit the game normally and got a crash. Both times, the game immediately reloaded on its own. So, I tried Go to Mission, which does seem to work, only shooting in the mech causes my system to chug something fierce. I think I finished the objective, but there were so many audio clips playing I couldn't tell. I had to quit by using Alt+F4.

This looks like a very ambitious project, and I've made worse myself. Could use a bit more time in the oven.


Thank you very much for the feedback, indeed there were some issues with the spawners of the enemies that were causing a terrible lag. I have uploaded a last patch (Devlog Last fixed)

The truth is that it is an ambitious project for 2 weeks, but thanks to your review I will be able to fix it in a few days

I have not been able to replicate the audio problem ( I focus on it ). However, I have separated the help objects more so that they are not activated at the same time.

Any bug comment it. It will be well received.

Thanks a lot.