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Yeah, they just kinda ooze “for fuck's sake” xD

And man, yeah, it does take a hell of a lot of weight off your shoulders if you're not trying to make everything! I'm certainly no artist, so I struggle badly when trying to come up with UI and stuff. And even if I have decent-looking assets from a sprite pack I've bought or something, it's just not the same as having original assets. It's nice to have assets that are actually unique to the game and more versatile in use. There's no way on earth I could have made Limbo Line the way I envisioned it with stock assets. It just wouldn't have been possible.

But yeah, you're welcome to hop on board the crazy train with us if we do end up doing something for a Valentine's Jam x3 The more the merrier!

Yeah, it's a tough one because it is annoying to have the voice lines continuing to play >.< I should really just ask the software devs if there's another way around it where I can keep my mid-sentence expression changes and still stop the voices from playing somehow! Cos you're right, I definitely wanna keep prioritising the expressions because I've come to really love having all those changes going on, even if it does take ages to code them in x3

It's so easy to wind up feeling bad comparing yourself to others >.< I tell myself time and time again to just not look. To concentrate on my own stuff and don't mind what other people are up to. But I like looking because it's also inspiring to see everyone's work + I enjoy playing indie Vns as much as making them! So I guess it's a case of finding that balance where you can admire the work of others without it making you feel crappy in yourself, haha. I think your words are very wise though, and like I said, I'm gonna try and do that from now on :3

That's pretty much what I did with SR, haha. I had all this stuff in mind, with absolutely no idea how to execute it, and everything was learning on the go. At one point I was thinking... why did I start out so big? T_T There's so much I would change about SR now that I have more knowledge, haha.

Just accepted your Discord friend request :3 You can always message me on either, but Discord is probably better because I sometimes end up forgetting about Twitter >.< haha.

Happy Wednesday to you!!


Thank you for accepting my discord request! ☺️ I replied to you there to avoid spamming your game page any longer with my walls of text xD 


I wouldn't have minded the text walls on the page, but I know what ya mean xD I'm just about to dump one on you on Discord, haha. Text wall ahooooy x3