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Is there a way we can download the game with the original art? And if not than does anybody have the original game before the new art? I just like the old art better and it has way more expressions and clothing variants.  Plus the transition from the art styles is weird and clunky and everything shifts right.  I'd just like to play the game how it originally was.



oh ok... and sorry I didn’t mean to seem like I don’t like the game or appreciate what you have done for it! I just like the original more than the new.


Nah dude fuck you for having an opinion that goes against what the majority believe! How dare you be verbal that you like something more than another thing! No one likes your kind! Also yea I have a copy of the original art before Dyne switched artists. 

Whether they like the old art or not, it just won't be in the visual novel anymore.  Since it clearly isn't obvious, anything beyond a certain point in each route wouldn't even have the old art, regardless of what anyone else wants.  I don't have a problem with people wanting the old art, but it's unreasonable to expect it to be there since I'm no longer working with CursedMarked, meaning no new art is being produced by him. 

There's no need to apologize.  There's a handful of people that like the old art, but I've elaborated on this issue many times (it's even in my FAQ).  The visual novel is incomplete with CM's work.  With different sets of code and there being no new art produced by CM, you'd have an incomplete VN.

I know that with the current art with CM you wouldn’t have a complete VN but I’m ok with that, it’s just nice to see the old art in what it was this far. I don’t necessarily want you to work with CM any more, you’re done with that and I respect your decision. Even if it’s incomplete I would just like to play it through again... sorry