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Wow, that was a great game! It was difficult, but I made it through to the end. It's been a while since I last played a hack and slash... The controls and movement were very well done and made me feel very cool playing the game. I did get a bit frustrated towards the end boss, but luckily I managed to focus and win (Finished with 26 redraws). I liked the little references you threw in as well, such as castlevania and metroid.

If I had to give some feedback: I'd often get hit in slow mo time because enemies would spawn bullets just after I'd dodged and I'd end up running straight into it. Also, my right hand was so dead after playing that I had to use the keyboard to advance the final dialogue scene XD

Thanks for playing! Yeah, originally bullet time just made you completely invincible to enemy projectiles, but given how long it lasts it seemed kind of OP. However I'm not entirely happy with the balance here either, so... will have to think on it. Glad you enjoyed it!