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This was really adorable!

I enjoyed playing it a lot. Short and sweet, and providing you with all the feels you could ever ask.

I was happy to see someone taking a similar theme to my own submission in the lessons you as the player learn. I don't want to spoil Fightwood, but I am pleased with how the story was told, and the lessons were taught.

This was a wonderful experience. Though I was left wishing there was more. That is positive and negative. I am very interested in seeing more, but I was also left with saying, "Is that all? Come on. I need more!"

The art style was cute, though I did have difficulty telling who was speaking at some points. That doesn't take too much away from the story. I was able to click back and double-check.

The transitions with effects were very strong. I also enjoyed how interactive the background was.

In closing, Frightwood is a wonderful experience with fantastic art and a carefully crafted story, though a bit short for my tastes.

9/10 (Rated 5 Stars.)