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I already left a comment on Twitter but I just finished up the other two routes and ahhHHHH

My curiosity piqued when you showed off the demon companion and even more so with the summary and I'm glad I played this! I got attached to Haze real quickly but honestly, their design is so cool to look at I love all the little details you carved into their sprite (as well as that one epic CG with the wings omg!!).

I also love the whimsical, almost somberly forlorn tone that goes on in this piece. The demon is very frank in their thoughts but also attuned to Willow in a way that feels lowkey really sweet. I was also surprised to see the demon has a more human-esque looking form but somehow that also feels appropriate considering that, despite the initial look of the sprite, they are very human?? In a way??

It was also neat how you handled Willow's character. Willow felt very real and fleshed out, even if her time with the player is brief (or, well, it felt too brief to me ;w;) and I like how her chats with the demon are almost philosophical in nature (especially in ending 3 which was a nice touch since it felt like it drove home the melancholy air of hope that was building). 

Anyways, that said, this was really neat! I can tell you put a lot of effort into making this game and I think that definitely shines through with how teary I got at the end of ending 3 fghjgfhjfg


Thank you so much for all the kind words! I'm so happy you took the time to play through all the endings. Although End 3 is the "main" ending I totally have a soft spot for End 2 - it was my favorite to write.

It was hard to balance the demon's blunt nature and affection towards the protagonist, so it makes me especially glad to hear the balancing act worked out. There was originally going to be even more philosophical chat but I had to cut some of it out due to time constraints. </3

Thank you again!