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(1 edit)

Rhot has negative 100 Like in the Lizard bad end. He absolutely hates you then becomes fully corrupted and you never see him again.

This is all I get on Lizard's Treasure quest event log.

Also just checked my original version for this playthrough, it's v30.4.

uh, why havent you updated? its 34 now, and yeah thats cause the corrupted ending is not currently updated

I *have* updated; I'm saying that was the version that I started the run with.

Oh, so that particular quest line is currently more complete for the Good ending for Ruins than it is for the Bad ending for Ruins?

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oh sorry for assuming i thought you meant you were still on that version, and yeah the bad ending has less content than the good right now. i think thats because its directly tied to the nameless so we gotta wait for that lore lol