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I really wanted to like the game, but I think playing it in the web browser does deminish the experience. From what I played it's a nice game, but I'd love to have a downloadable version.

submissions are locked! but we will be uploading a bugfixed windows version as well when ratings are over

Oh! My bad! I didn't check if the Jam was already over. I hope my coment doesn't affect your score in the Jam.


I'm currently having issues with the sasquash photo. I don't get whay I have to do. could it be that since the camera HUD bugged I can no longer take pictures of myself?

Also I have a bug with the chupacabras floor. It wont count it as finished task

(1 edit) (+1)

These are two softock bugs in the jam build! We are impressed you made it far enough to find them and I'm very sorry you've encountered them. We have them patched and a fix for these will be in the post jam release