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hey! autosave.js has a basic example of saving and loading the story’s state, circa line 23! you just need to pass in the story object, with an optional id, and either set the default format globally (using story.options.memorycard_format) or by passing it as the third argument in that function. the available options are “cookies” or “session” or “local” — i’d recommend session if your game is short and linear, and local if you expect the player to come back more than once or twice.

Thank you! I'll look into this.

I've come across an issue. Every time I attempt to save, I get this error: 
'ink' seems to be undefined, and I'm unsure how to fix it.


oh, i think you might have forgotten to pass in the story object to the function! either way, feel free to message me on twitter, and i’ll see what i can do to help!

I feel quite dumb, that was exactly the issue. Thank you for your help!