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This was delightful! The art, characters, story, sound design, music, all came together so well! I really liked how you could clamber around the island.

The camera was a bit too sensitive for me, though, even though I turned down the mouse sensitivity all the way, so I got a bit woozy while playing and had to look away occasionally. Also, I think I missed whatever the first photo should have been (the fun on the lake), but it didn't seem to affect the game progression?

Really wonderful submission; I love exploratory games like these!


Thanks for the feedback!

Really sorry about the mouse sensitivity issue! In a future version, we’ll most likely have a wider range for that setting to better accommodate for everyone.

And yes, we intentionally didn’t require the photo on the lake to be taken, and it’s something we’d address post-jam to make it clearer why it wasn’t necessary. We wanted it to feel like the game was asking you do these tasks and then have that switch to something else. Other comments have been made in a similar vein so it’s definitely something for us to look at!