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That's nice to hear, and have done so already.

I just tried out a third game of yours, Tower of Ordal. Despite being a minimalist game in nature, and the fact that I'm not personally the best fan of turn-based combat games, this was still surprisingly enjoyable.

Lightkeeper was my favorite among the three, probably because I'm a fan of metroidvania-styled shooter games. But all three have been entertaining. You could be a professional game developer at this rate. Best of luck with future projects :)

Then, as a spiritual successor to The Lightkeeper, my new game should be right up your alley ;)

(And I am a professional game developer, technically. Though I work as a programmer for a huge AAA company, so those little hobby projects are the only time I get to don my Game Designer hat ^^)

Oh, both of those are great to hear! Will definitely be checking out your new game :)