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 I wanted to say that I absolutely loved how vast and unique this game is. I was surprised at how big this game is, there are so many layers from finding each of the party members, to the vastly different settings. IT's great! 


I do have a question on the "bonus fight" in NeoVinclum. I cannot for the life of me defeat these three, am I missing an item or something? Still looking for the invisible guy ;) Love the references too

Great game and great work! 

Thanks so much! :DDD

I may have gone overboard on that bonus fight, it's extremely rough. I may tone it down a little. The only reward for it is an accessory, so you're not missing much.

As for the invisible guy, he's very well hidden XD

Thanks again for playing!


Wait a second! Are there 2 invisible guys? One where you first encounter NeoVinclum earlier in the game, and then is there another guy hidden in the Neo Vinclum in Makyo?

Yes, the invisible guy shows up both when you first visit Vinclum and also again in Neo Vinclum in Makyo :D