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Also got stuck on minitank level, my scripts wouldn't save so by that point it was too painful to keep in control. This was the game I was most interested in for this jam, very duskers vibe, and good models.

(1 edit) (+1)

scripts not saving? did you use Ctrl+Enter or ESC to leave? When you press Ctrl the text area should be a bit grey, and then enter should save it.

=== SPOILER: ===

All you have to do is get the tank under the drone so you can inspect it from below. So you can:

left_forward -> it will turn like crazy

write right_forward but dont press enter yet. Wait until the moment it is facing the drone and hit enter. It will move forward towards the drone

type stop and wait the moment when it is under the drone to hit enter

once the minitank is below the drone, take a look around with the camera

I would hit Ctrl+Enter, it would turn grey and then I didn't know how to back out back to the console to run the script.

odd… when you hold Ctrl it would go grey, and then hitting enter (while it is grey) saves and goes back to terminal automatically. I could not reproduce your bug, sorry :(