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Hey, your game is amazing dude! 

I want more people to know it, so I would like to ask permission to translate your game into portuguese! Thank you!


Hello! Thank you so much!

If you want to translate it, it's okay! I'm curious to know how you would do it, though. You mean, like translating the dialogs/text, copying them down in a doc file and sending them to me? Or do you have the Rpg Maker 2003 engine and you would edit the text from the program and translate it?

Either way, feel free to translate the game!

I have RPG Maker 2003! I will translate the game directly in the engine and send to you! My discord is captainFelix#8123

That sounds great! I don't use discord though. Please let me know in here when the translation is over and we'll see how you can send me the project folder (you can actually delete the music from the game so the folder is only a few mbs in size and easier to share). You will obviously be credited as the translator of the portuguese version of the game!


Hey, how are you? I finished the translation.

(2 edits)

Great news! Could you sent it to me at this e-mail? Perhaps the folder in a zip/rar file? Thank you!

Oh, and tell me how would you like to be named in the credits.