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(1 edit)

Gah! I've been looking for a romantic comedy visual novel for so long, and this one is just perfect! The characters, the art style (which looks absolutely godly), and just the plot itself. It's quite unique and very interesting. Also, I don't think I have ever loved the heroine so much before. Natsu is an amazing character, and usually I find the heroine to be annoying but I love her! I was in love with every character in here, even the hooded man! (I know, I'm weird) and it was hard to pick one but I had to go with lovely Grouchy-sama <3 Everything about this is just dfbs\fb\kejfh.uqef astounding!! xD

I'm so excited for the full version! *^* Is there a release date for the full version yet?? I'd love to follow up with the development of this game because the demo was AMAZING. I mean, it is automatically one of my favorite VN, even though it's just a demo... that's how well made this was. Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to seeing more Konbini Life!! *squeals*


Haha thanks so much for taking the time to write to us! :3 We greatly appreciate the kind words <3 There's no release date yet but we are actively working on it and we want to see it through :) Currently we have a twitter - and a forum thread - though we are trying not to reveal too much about what we are working on :D We may be enticed to share some of the art...

Thank you again! Your post made our day :D :D: D