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(1 edit)

ooo, I do think a smaller width would help. I had a few other ideas, though I'm not sure how easy it would be to implement them:

  • prevent blocks from spawning all the way against either side

    • since you can't push/interact with blocks against the side
  • give the crab a little extra time or speed to get out from under blocks once pushed
  • make it less likely for smaller blocks to spawn under larger blocks

    • for example, in the early game, a blue one-blip block under a yellow three-blip block can't be moved
  • make a visual indicator of much longer you have to push to move a row of blocks, or make it take less time to move
    • maybe a colored circle appears under the crab and changes color based on how soon the row will move?

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my comment! Even if you don't end up getting back to this project, I'm glad you shared what you made. The visuals are clear and cute, and I like the opening theme. :)

EDIT: oh p.s. I got up to 4 lines cleared in one game 🙌


Some cool ideas there :)

There are a few ‘fix up a game you already made’ jam, so I’ll peg this for when the next one comes around I have some time for.

Glad you got some lines in the end, there’s definitely some strategies you pick up with a few plays.