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Heya again!

I've spent few hours and built a tool for myself which helps to generate characters from your assets. It allows you to quickly preview all sprites, build a character and also locally save the sprite sheet as the .png file.
Here's a quick demo:

(It doesn't support kids and phones/books yet, but I might add it in the future.)

Do you think that it's okay to upload this tool to and share it with others? I won't do it without your permission obviously.


Hi 0a3r! Great work, I love how effective and simple your tool is!

Sure, you are free to publish your tool on, just specify in the license that the saved spritesheets can't be used for commercial purposes if the user haven't bought Modern Interiors ;)


Alright, sure, thanks!


I've finished it and published it here:

Though, I decided to cut out all sprites from the software tool. In order to use it, they have to buy them from you first. I think that this is going to be safer.

Thanks again for allowing me to publish it!  


Great idea! You are welcome and thanks for making this!
I'm gonna link your tool into a .txt file from today's update! ;)


Oh, cool, thank you ❤️

You are welcome! I've also spotlighted you a bit in today's update ;) here