Hi, Tomi! I've been testing the Linux version of the game and unfortunately, it doesn't work quite right. There are a few issues:
1. Installing from the itch.io app and then trying to run the game complains that there are no executables. I think this is probably because of...
2. the executable file(s) need to be marked as executable in Linux to run. Under Linux that's ticking the "executable" box in the file properties, or "chmod +x <filename>", but I don't know how to prepare it under Windows so that's done.
3. Things in general don't seem to like the filename having an accented character in the name (the ä in häx). I get errors when running It is possible to have accented characters in filenames under Linux without a problem, but the filenames need to be in UTF-8, and I don't know how to actually create a zipfile on Windows so that the file will be named properly on Linux. It might be easier to have the file named in plain ASCII, or maybe someone more knowledgeable than me can suggest how to create on Windows in a standard UTF-8 way?
4. Once I've changed the filenames, I can launch the game fine. (And the setup window which asks for screen resolutions works fine.) However, the first move is to type "help", and when I do that, the characters seem to be doubled (so I press "h", "e", "l", "p" and it types "hheellpp", which the game doesn't recognise as a command.
5. Sadly, once I've done step 4, the game freezes and ignores my input; I can't click anywhere or type anything, and it's also locked and hidden the mouse pointer so I can't switch away from the game. I have to kill the game from another window.
6. When launching the game, I get this output, in case it's useful (I renamed the folder to "haxp" and the game to "hxp"):
Set current directory to /home/aquarius/Programs/Others/haxproc/haxp
Found path: /home/aquarius/Programs/Others/haxproc/haxp/hxp.x86_64
Mono path[0] = '/home/aquarius/Programs/Others/haxproc/haxp/hxp_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = '/home/aquarius/Programs/Others/haxproc/haxp/hxp_Data/Mono/etc'
Preloaded 'ScreenSelector.so'
Unable to preload the following plugins:
Logging to /home/aquarius/.config/unity3d/ktomi/häx_processer/Player.log
I'd be happy to help test other versions if that would be helpful; sorry that I can't offer any suggestions on how to fix the above!