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(1 edit)

I seem to be having trouble with a few achievements. I did a second run to pick off what I left off. I got most of the other story quests done. But I was puzzled that I didn't have enough time to finish asterian's project. Or themba's thing. I picked mathematics instead of Arts. Did that make a pretty big impact. And I made less on the love chart at the end! It ain't the end of the world but I'd love to unlock all its mysteries.

Edit- I finally gotten most of the achievements, along with tons of different dialogs and play styles. I found a route that i am completely happy to run. BUT. How have you guys gotten all the stone tablets??????? Is it rng? 


The tablets are RNG but, on one of the early days where you can start getting them from the valley, you can 'roll' a different tablet if you hit the back button a few lines. Once you get a tablet, it will permanently be unlocked in the main menu's files section, even if you rewind the conversation to roll again. You can just keep doing that until you get the achievement to pop, then go to the menu to read them.


Your brain is so huge :0



This seems to stop working once you have your Office. I believe the random seed for determining what you find in the valley seems to be set before or as you click "Confirm Plan", which you cannot then use the back button to move past. 

Mind you, the tablets are the most numerous collection, the transcripts should only have 6 to find in the valley (Poseidon and Athena are being saved for later builds, 2 gods totally abstained (IIRC devs implied they won't get a transcript because of this), and you get 5 guaranteed transcripts from Argos it seems) and that feels reasonable to not have this easy reroll scumming to get.


Yeah. I hard-coded it on that one instance (if you push Argos to talk about the kilns) to always give you a tablet you don't have, so getting the achievement would be less annoying. 

Imagine being forced to grind on a fucking visual novel of all things.