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Hey, I appreciate your enthusiasm but I've already got a personal website that I made myself. I won't link it here because it's for work stuff and has my real name and info. And as for a dedicated Vapor Trails website, I think the page here is fine, it gives me a lot of freedom.

You should try to make a personal website for yourself instead. Google Sites is a good learning tool, but if you want to learn how to write HTML, you should check out GitHub Pages. That's what I used when I was first learning to make websites.


no thx bro. I dont have the time to learn the stuff. I'll try learing later but, for now I wanna focus on making my own website. I'll learn Html for SURE, but not right now.

PS : What is the profile pic u have??? Hasz ANYONE asked about it?

PPS : I found bugs nobody found (and they are still there). 


Sounds good. 

My picture is pixel art that I made. It's loosely based on a painting I like, Halloween 2020 by Edward Delandre.