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Pretty cool alien and mysterious aesthetic. I like that there is a little wall run section in the second level. I reached the end, and a giant green square appeared, and my game crashed. I assumed that was a beam and I’ve ascended. It didn’t really do much in terms of storytelling though. Also, the platforming controls need some work - sometimes I get stuck at the edge of the platform, or the jump doesn’t work correctly because of poor contact with the ground especially in the lava level. The gravity feels a bit off. Perhaps there is also a need to implement coyote time, because I had to always look down at my non-existent feet as it was difficult to time the jump right. Overall, I like the theme and I reckon it could be a nice puzzle-platformer if more work is put into it.

Thanks for the feedback. the game is coded to close when you get to the end and that green thing is supposed to be a laser (kind of ram out of time to make a real ending) and yeah I think what you say about having a couple of more frames to jump is definitely something i will think about in my future jams. and all of those getting stuck bugs I just did not have time to finish.